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Special Laser Packages

Take advantage of all the Lumenis Stellar M22 has to offer with our best package deals! 

Glow All Over Package


per session

Includes Photo Rejuvenation (IPL) Treatment of 

Hands, Face, Neck & Chest​​


​*Savings of $300!*


Youthful You Package


per session​

Includes both

Photo Rejuvenation (IPL) and ResurFX™ Treatments of Hands, Face, Neck & Chest


*Savings of $500!*

Stellar M22 IPL Photorejuventation

Perfect for a winter skin refresh.


Get rid of dark skin spots, pigment, unwanted small veins, tighten the skin, and more! 

1 Treatment
Series of 3
Small Spot
Other Areas
By Consult


The ResurFX™ laser is used for discolored and sun-damaged skin, as well as uneven skin tone, age spots, scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, and loose skin. 


​After a ResurFX™ laser treatment, the body’s natural healing process replaces damaged tissue with new, healthy tissue and collagen, resulting in smoother and healthier-looking skin.

1 Treatment
Series of 3
Other Areas
By Consult

PhotoFractional Treatment
(IPL and ResurFXâ„¢ combined)

The Lumenis Stellar M22 Photofractional Treatment combines two solutions so that both skin tone and texture can be treated at the same session.

  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light): Removes unwanted pigmentation and blood vessels

  • ResurFX™ non-ablative skin resurfacing: Stimulates new collagen and elastin production.

1 Treatment
Series of 3
Other Areas
By Consult

Tattoo Removal

The Lumenis Stellar M22 uses Q-Switched Nd:YAG technology to remove dark tattoos and treat pigmented lesions.

Tattoo Removal
$100/sq inch
Microblading Removal
$200 per session

Describe Patch add on $150 per session

Describe Patches are innovative, transparent silicone patches designed to improve the laser tattoo removal process. They help protect the skin, reduce discomfort, and allow for higher laser energy during treatments, leading to faster and more effective tattoo removal.

It works by sending out short pulses of intense light that target the ink in a tattoo or pigmented skin lesions, breaking it down into smaller particles. The smaller pigmented particles are absorbed into the bloodstream and eventually expelled from the body. It is very effective on melasma, dark tattoos and is safe for all skin types and color.

Acne Treatment

Specialized IPL filter technology allows treatment of acne with specific wavelengths of light, which target the p. acnes bacteria in the skin as well as inflamed sebaceous glands that contribute to breakouts.

1 Treatment
Series of 3
Targeted Small Areas
Full Face

Hair Removal

The Stellar M22™ IPL Hair Removal treatment is generally administered in a series of four to six sessions that yield excellent long-term results. Significant hair reduction is usually visible after the first session.


A maintenance treatment once or twice a year may be needed. 


How it works:

Controlled pulses of light applied to the treated area are selectively absorbed by the hair follicles beneath the skin surface. The absorbed light heats the hair follicles, which damages the re-growth potential of the follicle – all without damaging the surrounding tissue.


​Before treatment, you should closely shave away the hair in the areas to be treated. Any hair not removed during the treatment will shed over the next week or two.

1 Treatment
Series of 6
Upper Lip
Chin/Lip Combo
Under Arms
Beard and Neck Lines

Injectable Services

Botox $14 per unit


Xeomin $13 per unit


Dysport $6 per unit


Skinvive Treatment $700​


Lip Filler $650​


Biofiller $650


Filler $700+

Weight Loss Services

Initial Consultation Visit



Follow-up Visit and Body Composition Analysis



Weekly Weight Consults and Medication Management



*Must have an office visit with a provider every 4-6 weeks 
**Must meet eligibility criteria for medications

CO2 Lift Pro
Take Home
Hydration Treatments

$100 per treatment

$250 for a series of 3

Frankenmuth Aesthetics logo with a capital F, then a syringe, and a capital A with Frankenmuth Aesthetics are written below.

154 South Main Street, Suite 6

Frankenmuth, MI 48734


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